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Altitude Control Valves is used in the automatic water supply system of a water tower or pool. When the liquid level gets to the set height, it transmits a signal to the pump through a related mechanism to have the pump stop supplying. And when the level is below than the set water level, it starts supply automatically so as to prevent of the water hammer effectively due to the pumps stop and to avoid an extra-high pressure in the pipeline. It features by the sensitive control, high accuracy of level control, not disturbed by the level from the water pressure, tight closure without leak, reliable performance and long duration.

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park

Altitude Control Valves

1. Pilot Valve
2. Small Ball Valve
3. Strainer
4. Small Ball Valve

Technical Features

Nominal Pressure 1.0MPa 1.6MPa 2.5MPa
Shell test pressure 1.5MPa 2.4MPa 3.75MPa
Sealed test pressure 1.1MPa 1.76MPa 2.75MPa
Suitable temperature 80
Suitable medium water


DNmm 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700
L 180 180 180 203 203 235 285 360 400 455 585 650 800 860 915 980 1075 1230 1300
PN10 D 105 115 135 145 160 180 195 215 245 280 335 390 440 500 565 615 670 780 895
D1 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 180 210 240 295 350 400 460 515 565 620 725 840
PN16 D 105 115 135 145 160 180 195 215 245 280 335 405 460 520 580 640 705 840 910
D1 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 180 210 240 295 355 410 470 525 585 650 770 840
PN25 D 105 110 135 145 160 180 195 230 270 300 360 425 485 550 610 660 730 840 955
D1 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 310 370 430 490 550 600 660 770 875
H 212 212 212 265 265 310 350 460 520 570 695 780 905 1025 1080 1030 1135 1270 1460
H1 179 179 179 210 210 215 245 305 365 415 510 560 658 696 735 610 665 725 865

Typical installation

Typical installation of Altitude Control Valves with Diaphragm actuated

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Catalog:Automatic Control Valves

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